DIY Resources

How Weather and Road Conditions Affect Control Arm and Ball Joint Wear Comparing

Proper maintenance and inspection of control arms and ball joints is crucial for the safe and efficient operation of a vehicle's suspension system. The control arms play a vital role in connecting suspension components to the vehicle's chassis, while the ball joints allow for the necessary movement and flexibility needed for optimal suspension function and steering control. It's important to prioritize the...

On by Metrix Premium Chassis Parts 0 Comments

Exploring the Differences Between Lower and Upper Ball Joints

Suspension systems in vehicles are complex and rely on various parts to function correctly. One crucial component is the ball joint, which connects the control arm and steering knuckle while allowing for flexibility and stability. It's worth noting that there are two types of ball joints- upper and lower- that work together to ensure smooth and safe driving. They serve distinct roles...

On by Metrix Premium Chassis Parts 0 Comments

Can you drive with a bad ball joint?

It is imperative to have a fully functional ball joint in any mechanical system that requires movement and rotation between two parts. This pivotal component, consisting of a spherical bearing that allows for angular movement in multiple directions, is commonly found in automobile suspension systems. It connects the control arms to the steering knuckles, enabling the wheels to move vertically and pivot...

On by Metrix Premium Chassis Parts 0 Comments

All About Center Links: Function, Importance, and Components

The central link, commonly referred to as the drag link, serves as a vital component of the steering system. It facilitates the transfer of rotational motion from the steering gear to the steering knuckles, which in turn, regulate the movement of the front wheels. This process enables drivers to maintain control over their vehicles and steer them in the desired direction with...

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